Data Visualization | Print
Concept | Research
Copy Writing | Design
Copy Writing | Design
Nadia Tran
Mass Shooting in the United States is a visual report of mass shooting cases happened over 50 states of the U.S. from 1982 to 2018. With the use of clear yet impactful information graphics, the report aims to present the data in and neutral manner, making these statistical numbers more accessible to the public and raise their awareness of these facts.
Data used in the report is gathered from the Mother Jones' Investigation and The Washington Post's statistics on mass shooting.

Americans often experience these emotions as mass shootings occur across the country.
The United States has the highest number of mass shootings of any country in the world. As a result, the number of innocent lives lost because of these tragic, unexpected events grows each year.

Currently at an all-time high, the issue of mass shooting in the U.S. must be acknowledged, understood, and addressed at both local and national level. This report provides a factual and complete study of this national epidemic, detailing cases from 1982 to 2018.
Listed in chronological order, each case is marked with a red dot and a number, which are used throughout this report.